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5 étoilesI had a wonderful experience at Ecole Suisse (Paris) and I can say without hesitation that it was the best experience I've had across many other schools including others in Paris and Washington DC. The teachers are really good, friendly and genuinely care about the students. They also have great materials plus an unusual format that brings in a different teacher several days per week. At first I thought that was going to problematic (mostly because I wasn't used to it), but it works very well and exposes you to the talents and expertise of several teachers in a short amount of time. Another thing that I found rare about Ecole Suisse compared to other schools is their ability to build community. I made several lasting friendships during my 6-week term at Ecole Suisse. It's partly because of how they run their classes (e.g., good, well thought-out group/paired activities) and partly because of the environment. The school is situated in a fantastic space/building that is very conducive to building community -- between students and teachers. During the breaks, the space makes it easy to talk to others and you will get some great, less formal practice that way. Plus they offer coffee/tea and other students often bring in food to share. You have to see the space and ideally give it a try to truly appreciate that rare component of the school. (December 2023)