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5 étoiles(Translated) I can highly recommend École Suisse to anyone who wants to learn French in the best of Paris. And we definitely have a strong need for more Norwegians who know French! I spent a total of over 3 months here, an extension (which is always possible, given that there is space) of over 2 months on top of the 4 weeks originally intended, a testament to how much fun it is to learn French at this school. Their pedagogy is as follows: (1) you are divided into small groups (max. 8) at different levels (if you progress, you move up to the next level); (2) each group has three different teachers who change every week, each teacher with a different methodology, background, age, manner of speaking, etc; (3) you are always encouraged (the school's "golden rule") to speak French at school. There is also a free "sortie" every Wednesday where you visit various more or less hidden treasures in Paris, which usually ends with a glass (or two, or three). In addition, you are always welcome to have lunch at the school, where the teachers are happy to chat ("free" French lessons)! The "students" at the school are of a wide age range, with a slight predominance of people in their mid to late twenties, from many different countries. Furthermore, "everyone" is motivated to learn and have fun both in and out of class, which has made French a dream come true! The same goes for the teachers, who always push us to be better; you get a clear sense that they care about our development. I can highly recommend École Suisse to anyone who wants to learn French in the best of Paris. And without a doubt, we have a strong need for more Norwegians who know French! I can't help but realise that École Suisse must be the best French school in Paris, which just has to be tried! (January 2024)​​