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5 étoiles (Translation) In May, I accompanied two classes (46 students) from KV Zurich on a language stay at the Ecole Suisse in Dijon and we were very satisfied with our stay.
Each student stayed with a host family carefully chosen by Charline. Well done! I was impressed by the way the school and the host families looked after the students: thanks to these different players complementing each other, the students were able to make the most of their two-week immersion. The cooperation between the host families and the school was exemplary.
In class, the pupils had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in preparation for the DELF B2 exam, and with the host family they were able to practise everyday French. What's more, with the help of the 'diary of their stay', the students were able to discuss subjects seen in class with their host family.
At the end of the course, the Swiss school sent me a very comprehensive report, a 360-degree evaluation (students, school, host families).
Dijon is a town on a human scale, ideal for groups of teenagers.
My experience in Dijon was very positive! THANK YOU to the whole team! ... I'll certainly be back with my students next year. (May 2023)